What Is Quiz Marketing and How Can It Help You With Leads

by Arthur Rowley February 1st, 2022
Person holding ballpoint pen

It’s estimated that over 2.14 billion people shopped online last year, and with recent studies showing that the average human has an attention span of 8 seconds, things are not looking bright. What this means for marketers from all across the globe is that during this period, it’s more crucial than ever to understand the current climate and adapt. 

If you want to figure out what your customers want, you’re in for a treat. One of the most valuable tools we have nowadays is that we can directly ask our customers about our products and how we can improve our marketing strategies. Long gone are the days of handing out flyers and feedback forms. Through the magic of the internet and various methods, you are now a step away from having accurate, lead-generating information at your fingertips. Let’s have a talk about Quiz Marketing and see how it can be as easy as enjoying some tea rounds on a Sunday afternoon.

What is Quiz Marketing?

Quiz Marketing is a flexible research tool that allows the collection of primary data through questions that are structured according to well-defined principles to arouse interest and generate quality feedback on products, marketing campaigns, and even more. 

The design and elaboration of a highly-effective quiz is a complex and intricate activity, requiring the help of specialists from various fields of activity. Along with the economist specializing in marketing, in the elaboration of a questionnaire for the researched product, a sociologist and a computer scientist (depending on the domain) would be more than enough.

Quiz Marketing - Types

When it comes to quizzes as tools, it’s worth knowing that there are multiple types of them and that they can be used in a variety of scenarios. Knowing the difference between these types will help better understand the correlation of quizzes and leads. Let’s start with the most common one.

1) Direct Emails

person using laptop

It might come as no surprise that the most common method of quizzing your target market would be to address questions that are direct as possible through emails. It aims to obtain the main data by testing the commercial subjects.

The method is one of the most used to research the market.  While it can produce tremendous quiz results, these will not be as accurate or specific as those generated with other methods.

2) Polls

Surveys are one of the most used quiz types by some of the top marketing teams in the world. This primary research technique enables the collection of a large amount of data, thus allowing access to a large sample, providing more reliable results.

Regarding the methodology, we can distinguish between surveys with closed questions, where we limit the possible answers, and surveys with open questions, in which the respondent can express himself freely and offer more information.

In either case, this technique requires prior and detailed work on how to design a questionnaire for market research, to clearly define the questions and improve response rates. This translates into higher costs to produce and, of course, a lot more time.

3) Focus Groups

One quiz that works in many scenarios is through the power of discussion groups which are made up of anywhere from 10 to 15 people and moderated by a specialist who leads the conversation. They would usually come up with an already prepared script that seeks to know particpants' opinion about a brand, a product, or a specific service.  

Thanks to the collaborative format of this technique, the participants will be able to interact with each other since the strength of this procedure lies precisely in fostering group discussion on the proposed topic. Moreover, researchers can choose to narrow down the search criteria for participants to affect target markets. For example, if you are looking to sell a product in Mexico, you might want to invite only Mexican residents to your focus groups.

All in all, it’s one of the most profitable and efficient market research methods. Although you must bear in mind that its development is cumbersome, and its results may be compromised by the bias of the different personalities that the participants may have in the discussion and even by the presence of the moderator itself. All of these things must be taken into account before creating a focus group, and a margin of error should always exist.

Focus group

4) Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping is one of the fastest-growing quiz marketing campaigns in the last couple of years, thanks to the way it works. This market research technique consists of hiring specialized or regular people who will make a scheduled purchase to gather very specific information that they will later capture by filling in a questionnaire provided by the company.

Organizations turn to Mystery Shopping to internally analyse the weak points of their distribution chain, such as customer service, the sales arguments used by sellers, the conditions of the premises of the sale, or the return processes, among others. For example, most restaurant chains are even offering regular clients extra benefits for giving a survey about their recent order. 

This method is best used for businesses that rely on production growth and where everything is moving fast in terms of it. You might not want to consider mystery shoppers if you produce low volumes or if you are a small business.

Quiz Marketing - What to Know

man operating laptop

Nielsen, a leader in the multimedia and consumer research sector, recommends a scientific approach in the design and treatment of questionnaire data.

Well-designed quiz marketing strategies have two rules. The first one is that you must reverse engineer the information you want into questions. The second one is that the questions must be in an easy to understand format that encourages respondants to answer. 

Together with these two objectives, you will also have to consider the variables that influence the final result, such as:

  • The absolute total number of participants and their selection criteria.
  • The return rate in the case of questionnaires sent either by mail or postal mail, when they are returned to the sender due to errors in the addresses.
  • The margin of error that qualifies the result obtained considering an estimation error.
  • The level of confidence indicates the percentage of times that you will obtain the same result when repeating the questionnaire. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best things to keep in mind when designing your next quiz marketing campaign.

Think About the Outcome

The key point to designing a quiz for lead generation to focus on the specific problem that you want to solve. The main way of determining the outcome is to try translating your problem into a question to define your main objective in the investigation. For example, how will customers react to a change in product design or price?

It is important to verify if you have the necessary inputs and means to identify the client's needs. In the same way, knowing the final objective of the research will help you to make a correct formulation of the working hypothesis.

Work On The Specifics

Woman placing sticky notes

For market research to be successful, it must focus on a specific market segment. Therefore, you must decide who you are going to address since defining the profile of the sample will set the tone and content of the questions and, in many cases, will determine the very structure of the questionnaire.

An option to consider, and one that saves the procedure, is to introduce selection questions at the beginning of the questionnaire that allows you to screen the results.

Likewise, you must remember that the key to the success of any survey is randomness. This means that the respondents will be chosen at random to ensure that they can represent the entire population with a certain margin of confidence.

Regarding the structure, you will consider what type of questions you prefer for our quiz applications: closed questions or open questions.

The closed questions are those with a type of predefined response. These types of questions have a higher response rate and require analysis. On the opposite note, open questions are those where the respondent is given complete freedom when answering. They are used in in-depth interviews and are very valuable for the wealth of information they offer.

It is also important to decide whether to introduce other types of questions in the quiz page that help marketers in the segmentation and analysis of the data:

  • Filter questions: aimed at redirecting the itinerary of the questionnaire according to the answer obtained.
  • Control questions: allow you to determine the quality and consistency of the answers provided.

Keep It Simple

The wording must be clear, with simple words and avoiding ambiguities. If you use close language, the questions are easier to answer, something that will favor the participation of the respondent.

Above all, you must avoid vague questions as much as possible, or leading questions that prompt a certain answer since this will lead to inaccurate data.

Order of Questions

The order of the questions has a significant impact on the quiz and business. Those with an unclear order, format, and layout generally get a very low response rate. The questions in the questionare should follow a logical order. A good practice is to start the questionnaire with simple and interesting questions, and you will save the most difficult or uncomfortable questions at last.

Test the Quiz

Testing the quiz platform before launch provides you with valuable content, writing, and layout information and allows you to make corrections or optimizations before launch.

A pilot test sample of 5-10 respondents may be sufficient, as long as it is similar to the real sample in both composition and profile.

Testing, reviewing, and adjusting the quiz features will offer you areas for improvement and will ensure a higher quality of the final result of the investigation.

Analyze the Results

Man writing on paper photo

Now is the time to collect the results and and analyze them. To do this, use the best statistical techniques and make sure that you offer the conclusions in clear language that helps decision-making and provides plenty of insight.

A good practice is to accompany the results with the confidence margin obtained, followed by the corresponding margin of error. This will tell you the degree to which the sample represents the general population and will give your percentage of actual quiz responses.


All in all, we can all agree that an effective marketing quiz is the catalyst of every successful marketing campaign. Since we’ve gone through all the important steps above, we’re sure that you’ve got the idea of how powerful quizzes can be to generate leads and even transform them into potential customers.  


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