11 Ways To Use Content To Acquire New Customers 

by Brett Farmiloe June 14th, 2021
Use Content to Acquire New Customers

What is one way you use content to acquire new customers?

To help small business owners gain customers, we asked entrepreneurs and marketing experts this question for their best strategies. From posting content regularly to asking your audience a question, there are several tips that may help you reel in new customers for your business. 

Here are 11 tips for acquiring new customers: 

  • Make Content Easy to Find
  • Keep Your Brand Visible
  • Include Testimonials and Reviews
  • Post Content Regularly
  • Create Robust Content
  • Use a Variety of Formats
  • Make it a Conversation
  • Forefront the Value
  • Ask Customers a Question
  • Show off Your Team
  • Utilize Content as a Sample

Make Content Easy to Find

Content is such an important tool for acquiring new customers! When clients land on your website, they want to feel confident that you know your stuff. You can convince them of this by having blogs and landing pages that communicate your industry knowledge or brochures recounting different case studies you may have. Regardless of whether the content is in a digital or physical medium, it is important that your potential customers can access it easily during the sales process.

Eric Blumenthal, The Print Authority

Keep Your Brand Visible 

Sometimes you have an amazing product, but no one can find you. In some cases, like life insurance products, potential customers may not even know why it’s important to have life insurance. By creating content, you can inspire and educate people about your brand and the value you offer.

Brian Greenberg, True Blue Life Insurance

Include Testimonials and Reviews

Before trusting a dentist or moving forward with denture implants, many patients conduct research around the professional’s abilities. They find evidence about the dentist's capabilities to perform the work before entrusting them. Patients look at reviews and what other patients say about their experience. They use this research in the decision phase of the buyers' journey. So it's a good idea to incorporate your customer testimonials and reviews in your online content to acquire new customers or patients. 

Henry Babichenko, Eurodenture 

Post Content Regularly  

Content is the not-so-secret ingredient in making a website attract new customers. I learned that having content on your business website makes it stand out in Google rankings so your website gains more traction. Also, having content like a blog increases your visibility online. Creating content that is relevant to your business can help direct potential customers to your website. Studies have even shown that small businesses do better when they have a blog on their website. That is why my eCommerce business keeps its blog up to date.

Peter Babichenko, SaharaCase

Create Robust Content

There are millions — if not billions — pieces of content saturating the internet today. For readers and companies, this is overwhelming! So how does a company cut through the noise and attract new clients? Add value to your intended audience. That may sound like a simple answer, but considering the amount of “thin” on the internet, robust and educational content is hard to come by. Often, for me, this means creating information-laden guides in areas of my expertise, incorporating a variety of mediums like video, social media, and GIFs to entertain and inform the reader. Creating user-friendly content like this increases clickthrough rates and ranking while building a loyal following and, in turn, converting clients.

Desiree Cunningham, Markitors

Use a Variety of Formats 

Our company has utilized video marketing across all of its social channels to announce its latest board member and investor, who is also a public figure. Our promotional video reaches our followers and our investor's which increases our organic reach. Platforms such as Facebook are beneficial to drive website traffic to our product because there are direct link options in our post captions, while Instagram does not offer this. YouTube affords the same opportunity in the caption to link a product page from a partner's promotions to a company's site.

Harris Rabin, R3SET

Make It a Conversation 

Content can certainly be turned into revenue if you do it right. One way content can be used to acquire new customers is through conversational marketing. When it comes to creating content and converting customers, any form of written content becomes an opportunity to use your brand voice, personalize your brand, and influence potential consumers. What conversational marketing essentially does is start a conversation between a brand and a potential customer, and this can happen via various touchpoints, including, but not limited to, your website, social media, and blog. Customers love to interact with the companies where they spend their money. 

Jordan Nathan, Caraway

Place Value at the Forefront

Content is certainly high up on the pyramid when it comes to acquiring new customers. When customers consider purchasing a product or service from your company, they need to know that you will be giving them the best possible value in exchange for their time, attention, and money. One way to use content in order to acquire new customers is by creating compelling content that not only resonates with your target audience but also provides them with value beyond what they expect. In doing this, you will appeal to new consumers who will become loyal and repeat customers for several years to come.

Maegan Griffin, Skin Pharm

Ask Customers a Question  

A strategy to boost engagement and acquire new customers on social media platforms as well as get creative and differentiate your content is to ask original and fun questions alongside images. A good tip to posting questions as part of your content strategy is to stay away from questions that sound rhetorical. Ask a question that stops the viewer and sparks a thought that will lead to a response and a share to a friend. A great example is the “would you rather” questions, because they are simple in creation but allow for lots of creativity and originality. They’re also great conversation starters because you’re guaranteed to have a difference of opinions, which leads to a discussion in the comments. 

Tyler Forte, Felix Homes

Show off Your Team

In our content, we always make sure to highlight the individuals who will be helping them. As a moving company, we know that people want to find affordable services, but also need to find trustworthy people. That's why we showcase pictures from real projects — so that potential customers already have a sense that they know us and our values.

Tom Mumford, Undergrads

Utilize Content as a Sample 

If you remember the age of giveaways that included customized ink pens, calendars, and the like, you know by now that people just love "free stuff." However, you can gear your content to be exactly that — a free gift to attract new customers to your site where they can eventually convert to a sale. Take the time to create informative blog posts with actionable tips, or go a step further and write a complete how-to guide on a helpful topic. If your content is high-quality and compelling, then visitors will return again and again for the type of information that some companies charge for or hide behind gated content.

Travis Killian, Everlasting Comfort

Terkel creates community-driven content featuring expert insights. Sign up at terkel.io to answer questions and get published. 

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